1. Q: What payment methods are accepted?
    A: We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal, and other major credit/debit cards. You can find a full list at checkout.

2. Q: Is my personal information secure?
    A: Yes, we take your privacy seriously. We use advanced encryption and security measures to protect your data. Read our privacy policy for details.

3. Q: What is the return policy?
    A: Our return policy allows returns within 30 days of purchase for a full refund. Please check our Returns & Refunds page for more details.

4. Q: How long will it take to receive my order?
    A: Delivery times vary, but most orders are shipped within 1-3 business days. You can track your order using the provided tracking number.

5. Q: Are there any discounts or promotions available?
    A: We often have promotions and discounts. Check our "Special Offers" or "Promotions" section for current deals.

6. Q: Can I track the status of my order?
    A: Yes, you can track your order by entering the tracking number provided in the "Order Status" section of our website.

7. Q: What is the shipping cost?
    A: Shipping costs depend on your location and the shipping method selected. You can view the shipping cost at checkout before completing your order.

8. Q: Do you offer international shipping?
    A: Yes, we offer international shipping to most countries. Shipping fees and delivery times may vary for international orders.

9. Q: Can I cancel my order?
      A: You can cancel your order within 24 hours of placing it. Please contact our customer support for assistance.

10. Q: How do I contact customer support?
      A: You can reach our customer support team by emailing info@zijuka.online or using the "Contact Us" form on our website.

11. Q: Can I change the shipping address after placing an order?
      A: Yes, you can update the shipping address within 24 hours of placing your order. Contact our support team for assistance.

12. Q: Are there any size or color options for products?
      A: Yes, most of our products come in various sizes and colors. You can select your preferred options on the product page.